CP Unlimited Leads Largest Cohort of Advocates to Albany, March 23
On March 23, CP Unlimited led the largest contingent of CP team members, family, self-advocates, and persons supported ever assembled in organizational history to the Legislative Office Building of the New York State Capitol to attend the New York Disability Advocates rally in support of increased funding for the I/DD field via an 8.5% Cost of Living Allowance and other provisions.
In addition to adding our voices in The Well alongside diverse agencies and people from across New York State, the CP team heard from leading officials, including New York State Senator John Mannion—with whom we have partnered to work to create new dual-diagnosis categorizations for housing and mental health support—Assemblymember Rebecca A. Seawright, and several others who spoke forcefully about the needs of the community and the necessary steps towards a more equitable future for Direct Support Professionals throughout the state.
Our team was full of pride that not only did we convene the biggest group of CP family members to gather on site, but we also had the most significant presence among all of the participants!

To further our impact, the Agency also took meetings with a range of politicians to spotlight our services and encourage them to co-sign the 8.5% COLA by explaining the real-world results of stagnant wages on our budget, our staff, and the people we support. CP Unlimited thanks the following representatives and their offices for time yesterday:
Assemblyman Anil Beephan, Jr.
Senator Pete Harckham
Assemblyman Rodneyse Bichotte Herm
Assemblywoman Dana Levenberg
Senator Roxanne Persaud (pictured with Icynthia Corcho, Joseph M. Pancari, and Maria Willis)
Senator Gustavo Rivera
Senator Rob Rolinson
All of what we do is motivated by our mission to provide people with I/DD opportunities to achieve a fulfilling life, and we know that this work is carried forth by a team of almost 3,000 people working together in support of that goal. As such, we will always sponsor channels that bring our team the recognition they truly deserve for the vital work they perform.
See more photos from Albany: