Celebrating CP Unlimited’s Adult Education Graduates
CP Unlimited offers an array of goal-oriented, adult education classes for people supported in our Day Habilitation programs to help them achieve fulfilling lives. These classes are created and taught by Melissa D’Accordo, PhD, Curriculum and Training Specialist.
On January 26, we were so proud to celebrate the achievement of 22 students who formally graduated from the program. Over the past year, they enjoyed courses in writing, technology, cooking, budgeting and banking, fundamentals of reading, health management, and social hour. In fact, several of the classes were conceptualized by one of our persons supported and offered to the group to diversify the learning options. For 2023, we are already working on adding Astronomy, Spanish, and American Sign Language!
“My son, Akeedo Fisher, is very happy to graduate today. CP is perfect; we plan on continuing this journey with CP for life,” said parent Angela Street.
See a video from several graduates expressing their joy and admiration for their classmates and teachers:
“It’s an honor to see Willie Ryan graduating. It’s an honor to be here for him and see him take a step further in his goals. CP offers classes and opportunities for them to learn, explore, and increase their knowledge,” said Blondine Jean Pierre, Residential Coordinator for Brooklyn’s Unit 2.
Congratulations to all of the graduates:
Sherina Abdelghafar
Marta Colon
James Cumo
Anthony Desimone
Raymond Estella (pictured below on left)
Frank Ferebee
Akeedo Fisher (pictured below on right)
Elvis Gebko
Atara Graham
Rosalind Glasper-Gregg
Francis Hernandez
Helen Lam
Jessica Nieves
Emiliano Perez
Tanya Pettus
Viviana Rivera
Tony Bennett-Rivers
Willie Ryan
Daniel Shaw
Leonardo Vincent
Katrina Wells
Ann Marie Whitty (pictured below in center)

The education doesn’t stop at graduation however, as they will continue courses in math, reading comprehension, Spanish, and others.
Thank you to all have worked tirelessly helping the people we support become more independent and confident!
Congratulations to our graduating class of 2022; may your future be as bright as your smiles!