Community Habilitation Services
We believe in finding every opportunity for the people we support to achieve an enriching, independent life as active members of their community.
CP Unlimited offers an array of goal-oriented Community Habilitation supports including money management, community activities, socializations, advocacy and accessing community resources. The services are delivered by dedicated Community Habilitation Specialists, who work collectively with our persons supported to help them achieve their goals. All culturally-sensitive services are provided in the person’s language of greatest comfort with the overarching vision of transitioning them to independent living.
Staff are matched based on the person’s preference and remain flexible to work around schedule. As an agency, we ensure that all staff receive the appropriate training to work successfully with the people we support.
Via Creative LifeStyles, CPU also offers Bronx-based Comm Hab services in the homes of 25 families with adult children with disabilities. This unique arrangement means participants can experience leading support with a Comm Hab lens, thereby maximizing living skills and community engagement, in their own homes. Further respite services provide temporary relief from the demands of care giving, which helps reduce overall family stress.
In 2023, CP Unlimited helped 95 people receive dedicated Comm Hab services in New York City and the Hudson Valley- a 12 percent increase from 2022.
“I’ve been working here 40 years, and I love my guys. They call me papa.”
-Kurt Amundsen, Direct Service Provider